Thursday, February 11, 2010

Incredible Geekery Admitted/Nerdgasm

I am SO EXCITED for the premiere of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood on Adult Swim this weekend. I've been watching the subbed version on the Funimation website, but it didn't feel the same without the voice actors I already knew and loved. I'm a little disappointed that they replaced Scar and Alphonse (although they had to replace Alphonse, as I'm sure the original actor's voice has since changed and he can no longer play a 12 year old boy...).

Seriously, every time the commercial comes on, I get giddy. GIDDY, people.

I feel the same way every time I see The Last Airbender previews. I'm at least reasonably sure that M. Night Shamalyan can't screw it up with an incredibly predictable twist at the end.

Those are my nerdy confessions for the day.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Ok, Ok, I get it.

I know that someday, when I'm a teacher, I will be wishing for snow days just like the kids do. I know I will because I enjoy them. Except that it's stressful to have them when working in retail (as a manager) because you have to fight to justify them.

I don't think I should have to fight with someone to not come in to work when there is fifteen inches of snow on the ground where I live, but I do.

I think part of my problem is that I'm so frustrated by the dichotomy of what I'm doing now, and what I'm going to be doing in about 2 years.

Anyway, the point of this post was to complain about the snow. Yes, I get it, Mother Nature, you can make a lot of snow really quickly. We've seen this before. I remember missing school for a good week in 1996 because of the weather. It was lovely. But I'm over it now. I've had enough.

Please, please, please stop. Or at the very least, divert the one that's coming on Monday to somewhere that's not NJ.


Saturday, February 06, 2010

Hooray for snow days!

So this is Blog #5 of 2010, which means I've officially tied the highest number of blogs I've posted in a year. Sweet.

I was so grateful for the snow day today because it meant I could relax and work on some of my schoolwork, although mostly the day was absorbed by working on my resume and belief statement for my student teaching application. It blows my mind that I have to apply for my student teaching placement after only two weeks of class.

I have a lot coming at me, but it's still good.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Taking the scenic route to being an adult

So my goal for this year is to post at least as many blogs as I ever had prior to 2010, which is only 15. I think that's a perfectly attainable goal, don't you? (Not that there is really a you, I think it's mostly just me).

School is going wonderfully. It's a lot of work - mostly reading, hence the lack of the blogging. I'm enjoying it terribly. Every day I'm more and more glad that I finally found "what I want to be when I grow up." I've always been kind of jealous of the people who knew right from the start. My brother pretty much always knew what he wanted to do, and has been working in his field since college. I find myself jealous of him for that.

Not to say that I'm not happy with the course my life took. I don't think I was meant to know right away because I needed the detour to find some of the people in my life who are the closest to me, and to learn some things about myself. I just think it would have been nice to have it all figured out at 18, or at the very least, easier.