Sunday, December 10, 2006


So with Christmas approaching ever faster, I get to thinking.

Someone told me a story today about a woman who came into my store today to return some books. This story left me in so much pain, and at the same time made me wonder about humanity.

The lady was so upset that she couldn't get her cash back (because it had been too long - store policy), that she cried.

Now, this time of year, that tears my heart up, because it makes me wonder if maybe she needed that cash to do her Christmas shopping. And I hurt for her if that was her situation.

But the growing cynic inside me (this is what happens when you work in retail), wonders if she knew the policy and just used that as a tactic to try and get the young man to just give her the money.

And that depresses me further, that I've begun to think that way...

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

In general

So, I noticed that no one reads this thing just yet. No big - it's not like I'm writing in it regularly enough for it to be a big ZOMGWTFBBQ I'm so excited that she's posted type of blog, but at some point in my life I'd like to have that kind of thing - a blog that people look forward to my updating.

It will be nice, should it ever happen.

Saturday, November 18, 2006


Fate is a strange mistress. Some things are not meant to happen, but I hate to be the one to interupt their flow.

I'm sorry. I found your letter, and your poem.

But if we are to believe in fate, maybe I was meant to find it. Because, though it did not reach it's intended, it touched my heart, and reminded me that there are people out there willing to go above and beyond for something they care about - someone they love.

I'm sorry that I was the one that found it, and that I'm not your one, but I thank you.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Adventures in Sock Disaster

So, as is apparently my custom when knitting socks - I messed up the heel on the first sock. Instead of repeating 2 rows 9 times (a total of 18 rows), I just knit nine more rows. So, I tried to pull it apart, and created a giant, tangled mess.

Although, I must say, the second first sock is coming along much better.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Opening Day

First post in a new blog is always exciting.

So on the off chance that you stumble into this, my name is Kristen. On the internet, though, I go by "Kit."

Kit knits is going to be a few things, mostly anonymous. It's going to be where I post about knitting (obviously), potentially some creative writing, and anything that I want anonymous in my real life. If you want to know about me, feel free to ask.