Friday, January 22, 2010

I blog!

Can you stand it?

I always make commitments to write more, and do it diligently for about a week, and then I get distracted. So, I will make no promises about the consistency of my writing (not that I have all that many readers... or even more than 1 or 2...)


Two more items to check off my list of things I need to be a sub - fingerprinting is completed, and my transcripts arrived yesterday. Now I just need to take a physical, and spend another obnoxious amount of money, and then I'm good to go!

I think it's funny that I'm leery of any other job that requires you putting out money before you get any money, but in this case it makes sense. Also, I'm truly, incredibly excited about my upcoming career. I'm just so pleased to have found one, and not feel like I'm floating around hopeless anymore.

I think I'll leave off there. I'll possibly see you tomorrow.


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