Friday, September 17, 2010

Putting Filters on Life

How do you make sure that only the good things matter in your life?  

I guess not every does that, or the world would probably be a much more pleasant place, but I try every day to let the bad things of that day leave with that day and just let them go.  Of course, I'm only human, and very often annoyances and hurt feelings will continue on into new days, but I really do try to let the things that I know won't matter once I forget about them go.  

Like if someone is upset at me because of something that I can't control, I try to let it go.  I try not to dwell on gossip and bad feelings because I remember what it was like to be in a job that made me want to cry every single day I worked there, and part of the reason for that is because I let everything get to me.  Even making less money know, I'm so much happier and less stressed out.  

I'm genuinely curious, so please, comment away.  

Tuesday, September 07, 2010


One of the things that I love the most about my current job is that we encounter some of the nicest customers that I have ever met.  I guess the one thing about getting your coffee from the same place every day (sometimes more than once), is that you really get to know the people who make it for you, and you start to care about them.

I have a few customers that I really care about.  I've been at this place a little more than three months and I already feel part of a family, and I think that's beautiful.  Sure it can be dysfunctional, and occasionally annoying (like any good family), but the good bits outweigh the bad bits any day of the week.

I'm just amazed at the awesomeness of some of the people that have come into my life because of this job.

Monday, September 06, 2010

Family Moments

At the table tonight, as we're finishing up our delightful dessert (peach crisp!), we are discussing television shows about ghost stories and how much they freak out my cousins.

Aunt: Erin can't watch the ones about children
Erin: OMG YES!  I hate the little kid goats!

Everyone: ...goats?

I've been thinking a lot lately about what makes a good blog, what gets readers to come back.  I know one of those things is content, lots of content, but the problem for me is that I can't seem to focus my writing.

So, I'm looking for ideas.  If you read this, post a comment and let me know what you think I should write about.  In general, in specific, whatever you can think of.  Maybe I'll draw some ideas from there, or maybe one of the ideas will give me a direction.  We'll see.