At the table tonight, as we're finishing up our delightful dessert (peach crisp!), we are discussing television shows about ghost stories and how much they freak out my cousins.
Aunt: Erin can't watch the ones about children
Erin: OMG YES! I hate the little kid goats!
Everyone: ...goats?
I've been thinking a lot lately about what makes a good blog, what gets readers to come back. I know one of those things is content, lots of content, but the problem for me is that I can't seem to focus my writing.
So, I'm looking for ideas. If you read this, post a comment and let me know what you think I should write about. In general, in specific, whatever you can think of. Maybe I'll draw some ideas from there, or maybe one of the ideas will give me a direction. We'll see.
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