Thursday, February 11, 2010

Incredible Geekery Admitted/Nerdgasm

I am SO EXCITED for the premiere of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood on Adult Swim this weekend. I've been watching the subbed version on the Funimation website, but it didn't feel the same without the voice actors I already knew and loved. I'm a little disappointed that they replaced Scar and Alphonse (although they had to replace Alphonse, as I'm sure the original actor's voice has since changed and he can no longer play a 12 year old boy...).

Seriously, every time the commercial comes on, I get giddy. GIDDY, people.

I feel the same way every time I see The Last Airbender previews. I'm at least reasonably sure that M. Night Shamalyan can't screw it up with an incredibly predictable twist at the end.

Those are my nerdy confessions for the day.


  1. They changed Al's voice?! I know they had to, but aw, I LOVED Al's voice!! Whoever the kid that did his voice is did an amazing job.

    As much as I loved "Avatar" (cartoon, not blue people movie), I'm not really looking forward to the live action movie. All the things I've seen from it so far make me go, "What is this? No, that's not what Aang looks like....THAT'S IROH?!" etc. Though I bet Dev Patel is pretty good as Zuko.

  2. Yea, I'm pretty sure that by now Aaron Dismuke is too old to play a 12 year old trapped in a metal suit of armor. I hope whoever the got instead is just as adorable.

    I agree on the casting - I feel like it's almost silly that they're all Asian because it's an American cartoon. Just because it's done in anime style doesn't mean the characters are or should be all Asian.

  3. I get what you mean about it being an American cartoon, it's kind of funny seeing as a lot of anime I've seen tends to be made and set in Japan but most of the characters are white and very European looking.

    However, it is still weird to me to have all these white kids playing the roles 'cause the show is so blatant about it's Asian influences.

    Plus, did you see Aang's tattoos? And Iroh is SKINNY. And much younger looking than I ever took him to be in the cartoon, kinda like they took a 40 year old guy and died his hair grey. Also, SKINNY. WHAT?! I dunno, maybe I'm just too used to the cartoon but to me it just looks like a bunch of people cosplaying.

    ...I talk too much. Wheeee.
